Ma a 31. Zsoltárt olvastam, feleségem, Rózsa kapta és adta tovább. Talán már idéztem korábban is belőle. Most viszont az egészet egyben olvastam és nagyon bátorító ami rám is fér mert az elmúlt pár napban kissé csüggedés vett erőt rajtam.
Ha tehetitek olvassátok el az egész 31. zsoltárt.
Next week the chemotherapy will start again. In order to check my status I had blood test and thanks to God it had quite good results. During the last couple of days I had to wait long hours in the queue before the radiation treatment (yesterday 4 hours, today 3 hours). This is very frustrating and tyring. Next week I will have another plus hour with the infusion. But at least I only have one full week and maybe 2 more days with only radiation.
Today I've read Psalms 31. My wife, Rose has got it and passed it to me. Maybe I have already mentioned earlier some verses from this psalm but now I've read the entire psalm which was very encouraging which I needed very much as I had some bad times during the last couple of days.
If you can please read the entire psalm 31.;&version=72;