A konferencián a 84. zsoltár 6-8. versén keresztül szólt hozzám az Úr:
"Boldog az az ember akinek te vagy ereje, aki a te utaidra gondol. Ha a siralom völgyén mennek is át, források völgyévé teszik azt, az őszi eső is elárasztja áldásával. Újult erővel haladnak, és megjelennek Istennél a Sionon."
During the last weekend we went to the annual conference of the Agape Churches. Thanks to God that I could drive this short distance of 120 km which took 3 hours because of the huge traffic on the highway. I am getting more and more power day by day. I had a control exam this week but next time I need to go to doctor only in 1 month so I do not think about it.
During the conference God has sent his message in Psalm 84,6-8:
"How blessed are those who live in your temple and praise you continually! How blessed are those who find their strength in you, and long to travel the roads that lead to your temple! As they pass through the Baca Valley , he provides a spring for them. The rain even covers it with pools of water."