elindultunk a mütöbe amikor csörgött a telefonja, hogy hátra arc,
vigyen vissza, mert a mütét elmarad! Az ok pedig az, hogy elcsúsztak
a korábbi mütétek és az altatóorvosok 13.30 után már nem
vállalnak mütétet! Amúgy engem hajnali 5.30-kor kezdtek
elökészíteni és 2 napot koplaltattak. Szóval nem esett jól, de
Istennek lehet, hogy terve van ezzel is, csak nem tudom még mi.
Jelenleg úgy van, hogy hétfön lesz a mütét.
The Hungarian Health System made a "nice" trick with me today. They
have completely prepared me for the operation. We left with the
surgery assistant to the operation room when in half way his mobile
phone rang and he got the instruction that we should return to my room
as the operation is delayed from today. The reason is that the earlier
operations were longer than planned and the aenesthesyologic doctors
do not work after 1.30pm. Nice, isn't it! By the way they started to
prepare me at 5.30am and I was without food for almost 2 days. However
God may have a plan even in this situation, I just do not know yet
what it is. At the moment they say that the operation will be on Monday.
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