A múlt héten és ma is el tudtam menni gyülekezetbe. Ma ráadásul kétszer is voltam, délelőtt a mostani, délután a korábbi gyülekezetünkbe mentünk ahol több vendéget találtunk mint helybelit. A nyári angol gyerektábornak volt a záró alkalma ahová a szülők is eljöttek. Remélem többen közülük máskor is eljönnek a gyülekezetbe.
107. Zsoltár 6.: "De az Úrhoz kiáltottak nyomorúságukban, és kimentette őket szorult helyzetükből."
Thanks to God the flue is gone completely. My apetite is very good. Today I had so much food for lunch that I was a bit afraid after it. Compared to last November I collected 10 kgs and now my weigth is 65 kg. Finally I will be able to wear my old trousers again.
Last Sunday and today also I was able to go to church. Today morning we went to our current church and in the afternoon we visited our old church where we found more guests than members. They had the summer English camp closure event and the parents of the kids were also in the church. Hopefully some of them will visit the church again in the future.
Psalms 107, 6.: "They cried out to the Lord in their distress; he delivered them from their troubles."
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