Az alábbiakban megosztom a blog olvasóival is azt a cikket melyet gyülekezeti újságunkba írtam és a közeljövőben fog megjelenni.
I would like to share with the readers of my blog this article which I have written for our church magazine and will be published shortly. The English version is being transleted and hopefuly will be uploaded shortly.
Gyógyulásom története
Az elmúlt időszakban két alkalommal is bizonyságot tettem gyógyulásom történetéről, de mindkét alkalommal meg kellett állapítanom, hogy nem a szavak embere vagyok, legalábbis nem a hangos szóé. Úgy gondoltam, írott formában is megosztom a Tesó újság olvasóival az elmúlt év történéseit.
2008. augusztus 8-án kellett befeküdnöm egy szövettani vizsgálatra egy budai kórházba. A nap emlékezetes, már csak azért is, mert aznap volt a pekingi olimpia megnyitó ünnepsége. Egy hét múlva 15-ére hívott vissza az orvos az eredményért. Kánikula volt és már a lelet ismertetése előtt is leizzadva várakoztam.
Orvosom néhány tiszteletkör után közölte, hogy daganat és abból is a rosszindulatú fajta a vizsgálat eredménye. Azt is egyértelművé tette, hogy a sebészeti protokoll szerint a műtét megfelelő kezelések után elkerülhetetlen. Mindezt a kórház folyosóján mondta. Szerencsére nem volt senki a közelünkben. Persze forgott velem a világ, de mindjárt mondtam neki, hogy sokan fognak imádkozni értem és Isten meg tud gyógyítani. Ő ezt csak azzal nyugtázta, hogy mindig a rendes embereket éri ilyen, míg a gazemberek vidáman szaladgálnak. Hogy miért gondolta, hogy rendes ember lennék, azt nem tudom, de nem kezdtem vele vitatkozni, mivel kiszáradt a szám és nyelni is alig bírtam. Szédelegve és remegő gyomorral indultam kocsim felé és Istenhez könyörögtem, hogy a hazafelé tartó úton ne legyen semmi gond mivel eléggé kábának éreztem magam. Nem is lett, akkor. Csak pár nap múlva, mikor is első vizitre mentem az onkológushoz. Igaz ekkor nem is imádkoztam kifejezetten azért, hogy Isten őrizzen az úton, de Ő ennek ellenére megtette, mert ugyan a kocsi majdnem totálkárosra tört, feleségemnek és nekem viszont semmi bajunk nem lett. Attól kezdve 8 hónapon át nem is vezettem.
The story of my healing
During the last period I told my testimony two times in the church but I had to recognize that I am not good at speaking so I decided to share the story of my healing with the readers of the church magazine also.
I had to go to hospital on 8th August of 2008 for a tissue exam. This day is memorable for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olimpics also. My doctor asked me to come back a week later for the results. It was very hot on that day and even before he told me the exam results I had became wet completely.
The doctor after couple of nice words told me that I have cancer. He made it also clear that according to the appropriate medical protocol the surgery is a must. He told this on the corridor of the hospital. Luckily we did not have anybody around us. Of course I became so nervous that I felt like the whole world is circling around me, however I told him that God can heal me and there will be many brothers and sisters who will pray for me. He responded saying that always the good people get in such trouble and the bad guys have no problems at all. Why he thought that I am a good guy I do not know but I did not start to discuss this as I did not feel well at all. While I was walking back to my car my head was going round but I prayed to God to protect me in the way back home as I was not sure that I am in a status to drive my car. Thanks to Him I had no problem on the way back home. But I had problems couple of days later when I went to the first visit to my oncologist. However I did not pray at this time but he kept us safe but our car got crashed almost completely in an accident. I did not drive for 8 months since than.
My treatments started at the end of last September both the chemo and radiation. I got radiation for 6 weeks every working day and I tolerated it well till the very last day when I got so sick that I have almost collapsed in the doctor's office. Of course I had to stay in the hospital. Couple of days later I was moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) because the number of my white blood cells were extremely low. This happened because of the counter effect of the chemo and a medicine I had to take for years. I fallen into coma for 3 days. Interestingly I can remember only one event from these 3 days most likely from the beginning of the coma. This was the moment when our church pastor was praying for me in the ICU and the leaders of the church did the same (as they said) in front of the hospital. God was mercy to me as after a week in the ICU I was released back to the oncology and than a week later they released me to home. After I waked up from the coma, I realized that the tumor which could be touched by hand also gone completely. God has made a miracle during this time. This inspired me to convince the doctors that the surgery is not needed. This was than denied after an MR exam which showed that not everything is all right on the tissue level. God gave me calm in this situation and I was waiting to get further strength in December and January for the operation time which was set to mid February. During this time I had to undergo two smaller urological surgery which were to correct the problems caused by the radiology. God has helped me in these situations also.
When I went back to my surgeon who has diagnosed the cancer I had to realise that he was moved to another hospital which was even further away from us on the other side of the city and the Chief Surgeon was laid off recently. All these happened in the hospital which was specialized in those operations I had to undergo also. Well, all in all I had lots of doubts that I am in the good place from the perspective of the surgery. God has led me in this situation also. One of the patients who I met during the radiation treatment suggested a chief surgeon in the same hospital where I got the chemo and radiation treatment. This doctor was very kind and explained me all details about the necessity of the operation and also prepared me for the life-long changes which required me to get ready and accept these.
The operation took place on 23rd of February. In reality this was equal to 3 operations as they had to make 3 separate cuts. Everything seemed to be all right only the fever did not go away. Did not go 2 and even 3 weeks after the operation. Though it was only a low level fever but even after 8 weeks of the operation it did not disappear. After quite a few examinations finally it seemed that they found the reason which was than solved by another surgery. Of course the more than 2 months long period with fever made me very weak however after this latest surgery I got strength almost day by day. My status has improved a lot which was underlined by the fact that the surgeon moved away from the weekly controls to bi-weekly than to monthly and during the last control he ordered me back only for 3 months. The oncologist also set a 3 months period for the next visit and the physician wants to see me only in 1 year time.
Translation to be continued...
1 megjegyzés:
Kedves Gyuri!
Nagyon nagy öröm volt olvasni a bizonyságtételedet! Úgy gondolom hogy neked még sok dolgod van itt a földön, ezért úgy imádkozunk hogy az Úr táplájon, erősítsen és használjon egyre jobban.
Az Úr áldása legyen rajtad és a tieiden!
egy korábbi szomszéd,
Veress Efraim
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