2009. december 23., szerda
2009. december 13., vasárnap
"Miért csüggedsz el, lelkem, és miért háborogsz bennem? Bízzál Istenben, mert még hálát adok neki, szabadító Istenemnek!" 43.Zsoltár 5.
I made my last entry on the blog quite some time ago, and I would like to apologise for this. The last 2 weeks were rather busy. The strings were removed after the last smaller ops. And I received the tissue exam results which are pretty much same as the initial biopsy result which required this smaller surgery, just more detailed. The surgeon prescribed another PET CT exam which was scheduled by the oncologist. In the meantime I got some inflammation around the cut which caused some fever for few days but now this has been treated and I am OK. The PET CT which is now scheduled might be posptponed because of this inflammation but this will be decided by the oncologist. I am working from home and waiting for God's healing to be visible completely. The following Bible verse well represents my current status:
"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 43,5.
2009. november 29., vasárnap
Isten ma reggel nagyon egyértelműen bátorított ami bizony már ránk is fért:
5.Mózes 31, 8.:
"Maga az Úr megy előtted, ő lesz veled. Nem hagy el téged, és nem marad el tőled. Ne félj hát és ne rettegj!"
I am at home and getting back to previous stage. The strings are still in me but hopefully will be removed day after toomorrow when the tissue exam results of th operation will be also ready, hopefully. With these resuts I will need to go back to the oncologist who will decide on further treatments if needed.
God has strengthened us this morning in a direct way which we needed very much.
5. Moses 31,8
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
2009. november 25., szerda
2009. november 17., kedd
"Szemeimet a hegyekre emelem, onnan jön az én segítségem.
Az én segítségem az Úrtól van, a ki teremtette az eget és földet.
Nem engedi, hogy lábad inogjon; nem szunnyad el a te őriződ.
Ímé, nem szunnyad és nem alszik az Izráelnek őrizője!
Az Úr a te őriződ, az Úr a te árnyékod a te jobbkezed felől.
Nappal a nap meg nem szúr téged, sem éjjel a hold.
Az Úr megőriz téged minden gonosztól, megőrzi a te lelkedet.
Megőrzi az Úr a te ki- és bemeneteledet, mostantól fogva mindörökké!"
Well, there were quite a few co-ordination issues between the 2 doctors but I would not go into the detais. I am preparing for the Thursday operaiton. God gives power day by day. Psalm 121 was very couraging in the last couple of days:
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
2009. november 5., csütörtök
A Józsué 1,9-en keresztül üzent Isten ma egy kedves testvér által:
"Megparancsoltam neked, hogy légy erős és bátor. Ne félj, és ne rettegj, mert veled van Istened, az Úr, mindenütt amerre csak jársz."
Yesterday I visited my surgeon for a control. He said that the small tumor which was recently found has to be removed ASAP. He registered me for the surgery for 19 November. Now as I need to go to 2 hospitals it is not easy to co-ordinate. I hope there wont be any issues. On Tuesday I will still have another exam which hopefully will give clear view for the surgeon.
I've got God's message today from Joshua 1,8:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
2009. november 3., kedd
I've visited my doctor and he confirmed that the most recent CT result is good although the area in focus now was not viewed/mentioned. There is going to be another exam in a week and based on that he will decide if chemo again or surgery.
2009. október 31., szombat
Példabeszédek 4,20-22.:
"Fiam, figyelj szavaimra, hajtsd füledet mondásaimra! Ne téveszd szemed elől, őrizd meg azokat szived mélyén, mert életet adnak azoknak, akik megtalálják, és gyógyulást egész testüknek."
2.Sámuel 7,29.:
"Mert Te igérted ezt, Uram, Uram! Mert a Te áldásoddal szolgádnak háza örökké áldott lesz!"
I had a CT control exam 2 days ago and yesterday I got the result. Although it was not seen by doctor yet but during the last year I learned that much about such papers that I can understand also. It is completely negative in other words it does not see any problem. Well, now I have this good result and another tissue exam result from couple of weeks earlier which does see issues. Interesting! I will go back to my oncologist next Tuesday who needs to decide something based on these 2 exams. Maybe he will order other exams. I hope that no further chemotherapy will be required. God stregthen me in various ways. Just heard about a person who was treated with liver cancer and was already set for transplantation however his recent control exams could not identify any issues and he is doing very well!! God is great! The following Bible verbs were sent by God during the recent days:
Proverbs 4, 20-22.:
"My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body."
2. Samuel 7, 29.:
"Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, O Sovereign LORD, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever."
2009. október 21., szerda
"Úgy érzed, hogy egy alagútban vagy, ahonnan nincs kiút? Örülj, csodára vagy előjegyezve! Szükség van egy bizonyos mértékű nyomásra, hogy felfakadjon a hitünk, és Isten pontosan tudja, hogy mennyit kell alkalmaznia... Istennel nincs reménytelen helyzet, csak olyan emberek akik reményvesztetté váltak a helyzet miatt. Az igazi hit akkor mutatkozik meg, amikor döntésre kerül a sor. Végtére is nincs szükséged arra, hogy Isten kettéválassza a Vörös-tengert, ha mindenfelé hidak vannak, nem igaz? Amikor azonban te magad semmit nem tudsz tenni azért, hogy elkerüld az elkerülhetetlent, akkor kezdesz el bízni abban, hogy Isten megteszi a lehetetlent! Tehát az a krízis amit most átélsz, lehet egy álruhás áldás - egy lehetőség arra, hogy nagyobb mértékben tapasztald meg Isten erejét működni az életedben."
Today I had a visit to my new oncologist. He ordered a quick blood test which had an almost perfect result. Before the start of further treatments he prescribed couple of more exams. God has strengthened me through the message of today we've red this morning. Let me quote some thoughts from this:
"Do you feel that you are in a tunnel without exit? Be happy, because you are set for a miracle. There must be a certain level of pressure in order to that our faith becomes more active and God knows precisely how much pressure he needs to apply. God does not know hopeless situation just people who became hopeless because of the situation. The real faith becomes visible when it reaches a decision point. Becasue you do not need that God divides the Red Sea if there are bridges around you, don't you? But when you can't do anything to avoid the unavoidable than you will start to trust in God that he will do the impossible. So, the crisis you currently have, might be a secret blessing - an opportunity so that you will experience God's power in your life more than earlier. "
2009. október 15., csütörtök
Hétfőn beszéltam az onkológusommal egy korábbi vizsgálat eredményéről. Sajnos nem jó hírrel szolgált mert nyirokcsomót találtak mely újabb kemoterápiás kezelést igényel. Ráadásul egy másik korházba egy másik orvoshoz kellett átirányítania mert az OEP területi ellátás elvét nagyon szigorúan veszi. Szóval ismét gyűlnek a felhők, de nem csüggedek és nem adom fel. Tegnap feleségem reggeli csendességében az alábbi igéket kapta:
"Áldott az Úr! Napról napra gondot visel rólunk szabadító Istenünk.
Isten a mi szabadító Istenünk, az Úr a mi Urunk kihoz a halálból is."
Last week I went to Warsaw and everything was alright during the travel. God has blessed me and helped me from all perspectives. On Monday I've talked to my oncologist about an earlier tissue exam. Unfortunately the result is not good and I will need further chemotherapy. In addition he had to direct me to another hospital and to another doctor because the government's Health Insurance Office takes very seriously the territory rule, and everyone must have the care in the hospital where he/she officially belongs to. So, there are more and more clouds on the horizon but I am not giving up! My wife got the following verses from God during his morning pray:
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death." Psalms 68, 20-21
2009. október 4., vasárnap
2009. szeptember 27., vasárnap
2009. szeptember 24., csütörtök
Opens up my eyes so I can see
When I look up in the darkest night
I know everything's going to be alright
In deep confusion, in great despair
When I reach out for him he is there
When I am lonely as I can be
I know that God shines his light on me
Reach out for him, he'll be there
With him your troubles you can share
If you live the life you love
You get the blessing from above
He heals the sick and heals the lame
Says you can do it too in Jesus name
He'll lift you up and turn you around
And put your feet back on higher ground
Reach out for him, he'll be there
With him your troubles you can share
You can use his higher power
In every day and any hour
He heals the sick and heals the lame
Says you can do it too in Jesus name
He'll lift you up and turn you around
And put your feet back on higher ground.
2009. szeptember 13., vasárnap
Az alábbiakban megosztom a blog olvasóival is azt a cikket melyet gyülekezeti újságunkba írtam és a közeljövőben fog megjelenni.
I would like to share with the readers of my blog this article which I have written for our church magazine and will be published shortly. The English version is being transleted and hopefuly will be uploaded shortly.
Gyógyulásom története
Az elmúlt időszakban két alkalommal is bizonyságot tettem gyógyulásom történetéről, de mindkét alkalommal meg kellett állapítanom, hogy nem a szavak embere vagyok, legalábbis nem a hangos szóé. Úgy gondoltam, írott formában is megosztom a Tesó újság olvasóival az elmúlt év történéseit.
2008. augusztus 8-án kellett befeküdnöm egy szövettani vizsgálatra egy budai kórházba. A nap emlékezetes, már csak azért is, mert aznap volt a pekingi olimpia megnyitó ünnepsége. Egy hét múlva 15-ére hívott vissza az orvos az eredményért. Kánikula volt és már a lelet ismertetése előtt is leizzadva várakoztam.
Orvosom néhány tiszteletkör után közölte, hogy daganat és abból is a rosszindulatú fajta a vizsgálat eredménye. Azt is egyértelművé tette, hogy a sebészeti protokoll szerint a műtét megfelelő kezelések után elkerülhetetlen. Mindezt a kórház folyosóján mondta. Szerencsére nem volt senki a közelünkben. Persze forgott velem a világ, de mindjárt mondtam neki, hogy sokan fognak imádkozni értem és Isten meg tud gyógyítani. Ő ezt csak azzal nyugtázta, hogy mindig a rendes embereket éri ilyen, míg a gazemberek vidáman szaladgálnak. Hogy miért gondolta, hogy rendes ember lennék, azt nem tudom, de nem kezdtem vele vitatkozni, mivel kiszáradt a szám és nyelni is alig bírtam. Szédelegve és remegő gyomorral indultam kocsim felé és Istenhez könyörögtem, hogy a hazafelé tartó úton ne legyen semmi gond mivel eléggé kábának éreztem magam. Nem is lett, akkor. Csak pár nap múlva, mikor is első vizitre mentem az onkológushoz. Igaz ekkor nem is imádkoztam kifejezetten azért, hogy Isten őrizzen az úton, de Ő ennek ellenére megtette, mert ugyan a kocsi majdnem totálkárosra tört, feleségemnek és nekem viszont semmi bajunk nem lett. Attól kezdve 8 hónapon át nem is vezettem.
The story of my healing
During the last period I told my testimony two times in the church but I had to recognize that I am not good at speaking so I decided to share the story of my healing with the readers of the church magazine also.
I had to go to hospital on 8th August of 2008 for a tissue exam. This day is memorable for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olimpics also. My doctor asked me to come back a week later for the results. It was very hot on that day and even before he told me the exam results I had became wet completely.
The doctor after couple of nice words told me that I have cancer. He made it also clear that according to the appropriate medical protocol the surgery is a must. He told this on the corridor of the hospital. Luckily we did not have anybody around us. Of course I became so nervous that I felt like the whole world is circling around me, however I told him that God can heal me and there will be many brothers and sisters who will pray for me. He responded saying that always the good people get in such trouble and the bad guys have no problems at all. Why he thought that I am a good guy I do not know but I did not start to discuss this as I did not feel well at all. While I was walking back to my car my head was going round but I prayed to God to protect me in the way back home as I was not sure that I am in a status to drive my car. Thanks to Him I had no problem on the way back home. But I had problems couple of days later when I went to the first visit to my oncologist. However I did not pray at this time but he kept us safe but our car got crashed almost completely in an accident. I did not drive for 8 months since than.
My treatments started at the end of last September both the chemo and radiation. I got radiation for 6 weeks every working day and I tolerated it well till the very last day when I got so sick that I have almost collapsed in the doctor's office. Of course I had to stay in the hospital. Couple of days later I was moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) because the number of my white blood cells were extremely low. This happened because of the counter effect of the chemo and a medicine I had to take for years. I fallen into coma for 3 days. Interestingly I can remember only one event from these 3 days most likely from the beginning of the coma. This was the moment when our church pastor was praying for me in the ICU and the leaders of the church did the same (as they said) in front of the hospital. God was mercy to me as after a week in the ICU I was released back to the oncology and than a week later they released me to home. After I waked up from the coma, I realized that the tumor which could be touched by hand also gone completely. God has made a miracle during this time. This inspired me to convince the doctors that the surgery is not needed. This was than denied after an MR exam which showed that not everything is all right on the tissue level. God gave me calm in this situation and I was waiting to get further strength in December and January for the operation time which was set to mid February. During this time I had to undergo two smaller urological surgery which were to correct the problems caused by the radiology. God has helped me in these situations also.
When I went back to my surgeon who has diagnosed the cancer I had to realise that he was moved to another hospital which was even further away from us on the other side of the city and the Chief Surgeon was laid off recently. All these happened in the hospital which was specialized in those operations I had to undergo also. Well, all in all I had lots of doubts that I am in the good place from the perspective of the surgery. God has led me in this situation also. One of the patients who I met during the radiation treatment suggested a chief surgeon in the same hospital where I got the chemo and radiation treatment. This doctor was very kind and explained me all details about the necessity of the operation and also prepared me for the life-long changes which required me to get ready and accept these.
The operation took place on 23rd of February. In reality this was equal to 3 operations as they had to make 3 separate cuts. Everything seemed to be all right only the fever did not go away. Did not go 2 and even 3 weeks after the operation. Though it was only a low level fever but even after 8 weeks of the operation it did not disappear. After quite a few examinations finally it seemed that they found the reason which was than solved by another surgery. Of course the more than 2 months long period with fever made me very weak however after this latest surgery I got strength almost day by day. My status has improved a lot which was underlined by the fact that the surgeon moved away from the weekly controls to bi-weekly than to monthly and during the last control he ordered me back only for 3 months. The oncologist also set a 3 months period for the next visit and the physician wants to see me only in 1 year time.
Translation to be continued...
2009. szeptember 4., péntek
2009. augusztus 29., szombat
2009. augusztus 18., kedd
2009. augusztus 7., péntek
2009. augusztus 6., csütörtök
2009. július 20., hétfő
2009. július 5., vasárnap
2009. június 25., csütörtök
I saw an advert on a bus today:
The website is in English also:
2009. június 22., hétfő
Sajnos a múlt hét elején elkapott egy elég erőteljes nátha vagy megfázás, olyannyira, hogy a körzeti orvos antibiotikumot is felírt. Enyhe hőemelkedésem is volt de mér múlóban igaz most meg köhögök erősen. Remélem hamarosan ez is elmúlik.
2009. június 12., péntek
2009. június 2., kedd
2009. május 30., szombat
2009. május 21., csütörtök
2009. május 17., vasárnap
Zsidók 10,36: "Békességes tűrésre van szükségetek..."
I am back home again. I had to spend only 2 nights in hospital and yesterday morning I was released from the hospital. According to the doctor the operation was successful and I hope I will feel the results of it soon. So far there is only minor improvement what I feel, but maybe I am a bit impatient.
Hebrew 10, 36: "For you need endurance..."
2009. május 13., szerda
2009. május 11., hétfő
2009. május 5., kedd
2009. április 28., kedd
2009. április 22., szerda
2009. április 20., hétfő
2009. április 19., vasárnap
"The Lord deserves praise, for he has heard my plea for mercy! The Lord strengthens and protects me; I trust in him with all my heart. I am rescued and my heart is full of joy; I will sing to him in gratitude. The Lord strengthens his people; he protects and delivers his chosen king. Deliver your people! Empower the nation that belongs to you! Care for them like a shepherd and carry them in your arms at all times!"